Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Importance Of Nutrition On Our Daily Lives - 1683 Words

Over the years we have come to discover the importance of nutrition on our daily lives. Our daily nutritional intake affects every aspect of our functioning, especially as we age. Unfortunately this factor is too often overlooked. It is imperative that we truly understand the impact of proper nutrition on our lives, as aging is a complex process. Over time the human body accumulates damage in many of its major systems. Countless hours of research have gone into studying the human body and how it ages. While we have yet discover immortality we have figured out how to extend our lifespan and increase our quality of life. The many advances in public health and nutrition have contributed to a rapid growth of the elderly population (Chedraui†¦show more content†¦Malnutrition is defined and being poorly nourished, that is either lacking or having an excess of nutrients (World Health Organization [WHO], 2016). Malnutrition can effect an individual s physical, physiological, and so cial well-being. Our bodies need nutrients to perform everyday tasks, unfortunately not everyone consumes the necessary nutrients. It is believed that some of the negative associations we have about aging are really a result of poor nutrition and lifestyle choices (Saxon Etten, 2015). The risk of muscle weakness, poor bone health, and cardiovascular disease can be minimized by maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine. Many ailments of the gastrointestinal system and the musculoskeletal system can be prevented or alleviated by practicing good nutrition (Saxon Etten, 2015). There is now evidence that proper nutrition leads to optimal brain health, which can lower the risk for cognitive decline and dementia (Barberger-Gateau, 2014). Virtually every system and organ in the body is impacted by nutrient and water consumption. Therefore the aging process can easily be improved by altering our diets. Studies have shown that populations for certain geographic locations benefit from longer and healthier lives as a result of their nutritional intakes (Chedraui Pà ©rez-Là ³pez, 2013). For example, individuals who follow a Mediterranean diet experience less instance of illness and improved health. Malnutrition in older adults is also

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